Working for a Healthy, Vibrant Community
Substance misuse impacts our families, our friends, and our community.In Transylvania County, 42% of adults and 28% of teens have been negatively impacted in some way by substance abuse.
Our coalition uses an actionable, data-driven approach to target three main areas of concern.
Underage Drinking
Local surveys in the Brevard area show that alcohol is the drug of choice for teens, who say that it’s easy to get and their peers don’t think it’s a big deal. But it’s a problem for adults, too. Binge drinking has nearly doubled since 2015.
As youth e-cigarette use surges, other tobacco use among teens has also increased in recent years, making it the drug of choice. Nicotine is dangerous for the developing brain, putting our youth at risk for addiction later in life.
Illicit Drugs
Unfortunately, many kids are growing up in families who suffer from addiction to painkillers, which puts them at risk for low academic performance, mental health problems, and poverty. CARE works to prevent illicit drug misuse before it starts and minimize its dangerous effects on our community.